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Ondrilla Fernandes works as Employment Affairs Advisor, within the Employment Affairs team at ICS.


She reports to the Director – Employment Affairs and is responsible for providing support, to ensure adequate welfare is provided for seafarers on behalf of Shipowners. This includes participation in International Maritime Organisation Sub-Committees and International Labour organisation Sun- Committees i.e. being a Consultant to various Industry Groups in collaboration with other NGOs to represent the interests of ICS Members, Shipowners, and Operators.


She is also part of the Women’s Panel and Diversity Panel at ICS. Ondrilla worked in the field of Human Resources prior to joining ICS. She holds a Master’s Degree in the UK in International Business Management in Human Resources from  Northumbria University (Newcastle).


“Working for ICS has given me the opportunity to be involved in my passion – supporting upgrading the welfare standards of the seafarer in the Industry. I am thrilled to be involved in making a lasting contribution to shipping through the various panels and governing bodies.”