Linda advises on legal policy and insurance matters affecting international shipping. As Legal Affairs Director, she also provides corporate services for the organisation, including governance and compliance.
With over 30 years’ experience in maritime law, Linda has represented ICS at numerous intergovernmental meetings on legal and insurance issues, including the negotiations and adoption of the framework of IMO liability and compensation conventions.
A major focus now is on promoting the widespread ratification and uniform implementation and interpretation of the international treaties that have been developed and agreed by governments under the auspices of IMO and other UN agencies.
Linda qualified in Australia as a solicitor and worked in private practice with a law firm specialising in maritime law and as an in-house lawyer with a shipping company. She also qualified as a company secretary. After many years in London, Linda is now based in Melbourne and is a non-practicing member of the Law Institute of Victoria. Linda represents ICS at meetings and events in the Asia Pacific region.
ICS strives for international uniformity of maritime law, which is essential for the sustainable delivery of world trade. Our work has resulted in efficiencies for the shipping industry and society, for the benefit of all stakeholders, and a cleaner environment.