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Energy Efficiency Panel

The Energy Efficiency Panel (EEP) provides a forum in which Members of ICS can discuss regulatory, technological, and operational issues relating to the energy efficiency of ships.

Initiated in June 2019 as the Short Term Measures Working Group, the scope of work assigned by the Marine Committee has significantly expanded, and is now considered to be long term (i.e. potentially extending beyond 2050). Hence, the Energy Efficiency Panel (EEP) replaces the Short Term Measures Working Group, and will now provide a more permanent forum in which Members of ICS can discuss detailed issues relating to the energy efficiency of ships.

In the first instance, Members shall bring energy efficiency matters of concern to the attention of the relevant ICS Committee or Sub-Committee. Where it is deemed that further detailed work is necessary, then the matter will be referred to the EEP. On completion of work, the EEP shall report back to the referring Committee or Sub-Committee and also to the Marine Committee as appropriate.


The EEP shall:

  • Consider proposed amendments and submissions relating to IMO’s GHG short term measures, and associated regulations, i.e.:
    • The IMO Fuel Oil Data Collection System (DCS).
    • The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP).
    • The Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI).
    • The Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI).
    • The Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII).
    • Any emergent IMO regulations relating to ship energy efficiency or on-board Carbon Capture and Storage.
  • Provide detailed technical expertise to the Marine Committee and other ICS bodies on technological and operational matters relating to the energy efficiency of ships.
  • Prepare documents or information to support ICS advocacy, including submissions to the IMO.

Development of IMO’s  Life Cycle Analysis guidelines and Global Fuel Standard (GFS) impacts on both IMO’s short term measures and mid and long term measures. Therefore, consideration of these aspects is not within the remit of the EEP, although members of both the EEP and ICS’s Long Term Measures Working Group will routinely be invited to separate meetings to discuss IMO submissions relating to these aspects.


  • IMO MEPC (Marine Environment Protection Committee)
  • IMO PPR (Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response)
  • IMO SDC (Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction)
  • IMO SSE (Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment).

The Panel may also have connections to and liaise with other external bodies on a case-by-case basis as deemed appropriate by the Committee.

Such other bodies may include Governmental, Inter-governmental (IGO), Non-governmental (NGO) or public, private or commercial organisations.