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ICS committees

Specialist committees determine most of the detailed evolution of ICS’ positions on the range of issues, in order to ensure proposals are capable of being implemented successfully in practice.

Altogether, 17 committees, sub-committees and panels support the policy set by the Board and handle particular aspects of ICS work.

Each committee and panel is made up of representatives from national associations, including experts from their shipping company members.

Each committee, sub-committee and panel elects one of their members as chair, who presides over meetings. The chairs of the four main Committees are invited by the ICS Board to report at the ICS Board meeting. An ICS secretariat member acts as secretary to each committee. Each committee has its terms of reference defined by the Board.


The ICS Marine Committee is divided into 4 sub-committees and 10 sector-specific panels, dealing with issues affecting different sections of the industry:

What we do


ICS represents shipowners with the various intergovernmental bodies that regulate shipping. First is the UN International Maritime Organization (IMO), where ICS was the first shipping industry association to be granted consultative status in 1961. ICS has established an excellent network within the shipping community and partners with other trade bodies, always striving for a global regulatory framework

Representing shipping


About 90% of world trade is carried by the international shipping industry. Without shipping, the import/export of affordable food and goods would not be possible – half the world would starve and the other half would freeze!

Shipping is a highly complex and global industry, at the forefront of technological innovation and committed to sustainability and the 2050 targets.

Explaining shipping


ICS is concerned with all technical, legal, employment and trade policy issues that impact on international ship operations. It works towards regulation of shipping at an international level, and opposes unilateral and regional action by governments. ICS also develops best practices and guidance, including a wide range of publications and free resources that are used by ship operators globally.

Supporting shipping