Bulk Carrier Panel
The Bulk Carrier Panel provides a forum for ICS Members to discuss matters of concern to the dry bulk sector, the design construction, equipment and operation of bulk carriers. The Panel reports to the ICS Marine Committee.
The Panel brings together technical experts from both Member Associations and from shipowners and operators from the dry bulk sector to consider ship design, construction and equipment issues.
The Panel considers the particular issues of the dry bulk sector on a wide range of technical matters, including ship design, construction and equipment, and works to ensure bulk carriers continue to be designed and constructed to appropriate standards and to assure the safety of ships and seafarers and to protect the marine environment. The Panel provides detailed technical expertise to report to and advise the Marine Committee on highly technical issues such as the Common Structural Rules (CSR) and Classification Society requirements for bulk carriers. The Panel considers matters of concern raised by Members, such as reports of equipment failure and ship survey.
Representing the interests of Members, the Panel also promotes safer shipping by ensuring that concerns over ship design, construction and equipment are brought to the attention of other stakeholders such as IMO and its member States.
The Panel reports to the ICS Marine Committee and prepares ICS positions on matters discussed in the following IMO Committees and Sub-Committees:
- IMO MSC (Maritime Safety Committee)
- IMO MEPC (Marine Environment Protection Committee)
- IMO CCC (Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers)
- IMO III (Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments)
- IMO PPR (Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response)
- IMO SDC (Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction)
- IMO SSE (Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment)
The Panel may also have connections to and liaise with other external bodies on a case by case basis as deemed appropriate by the Committee.
Such other bodies may include Governmental, Inter-governmental (IGO), Non-governmental (NGO) or public, private or commercial organisations.