Lord Turner chairs the Energy Transitions Commission, a global coalition of companies, NGOs and experts working to achieve a net zero economy by 2040.
In addition to this, he is Chairman of insurer group Chubb Europe; on the Advisory Board of Board of Shanghai energy group Envision and a board member of Envision AESC, the battery production company headquartered in Japan. More recently, he was appointed advisor to the board of Watershed Technologies Inc. and Chairman of Oaknorth Bank Ltd (a UK start-up lending money to small and medium companies)
From 2008-2013, Lord Turner chaired the Financial Services Authority, leading on the redesign of global banking and shadow banking regulation. Alongside a business career, he has held a number of public policy roles: he was Director General of the Confederation of British Industry (1995-2000); chaired the Low Pay Commission (2002-2006), the Pensions Commission (2003-2006), and the Climate Change Committee (2008-2012).