Sr Director Logistics & Marine Assurance, Horizon Terminals Ltd, Emirates National Oil Company
Fellow & UAE Chapter Advisory Chair, Board Directors Institute – GCC
Hon. Chairman – Energy Institute – Middle East
Chairman of the Federal Committee for Occupational Safety and Health
An environmental engineer by training with a double masters in both sciences and business administration who has spent more than 27 years starting in consulting and then soon after the energy industry in several technical and senior executive roles. He is a certified director and sits on several international boards. His research area over the past decade has been in Governance and Leadership and making of high reliability organizations. He is the Chairman of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Standards Committee (in the United Arab Emirates), a published author of more than 10 international books, two focused on governance and leadership published by Routledge in 2017 and 2021 respectively.
He also has published many articles including three articles by the Harvard Business Review Arabia. His doctoral research was focused on EHS Governance and Leadership in High-Risk Organizations and explored perspectives from the GCC region. One of his most recent publications has been co-authored on Cultural Competence and another on Business Continuity Management, published with Routledge.
He is currently the Sr Director for Logistics and Marine Assurance in the Emirates National Oil Company. He is the Vice Chair at the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) and board member at the Emirates Shipping Association (ESA-UAE).
Dr Waddah also in a visiting faculty at the University of Technology Petronas (Malaysia) and Hult/Ashridge Business School (Dubai Campus). He is an external examiner at the University of Petroleum and Energy Sciences (UPES, India) and sits on the Industrial Advisory Boards at the Herriot Watt University and the University of Abu Dhabi. Waddah is considered one of the authorities on health, safety, environmental and sustainability governance and leadership. He is also the Chairman of the Platform for Connected Leadership.