John Stawpert is Manager (Environment and Trade) in the ICS Marine Department, and oversees a broad portfolio on environmental protection and maritime security. His brief covers:
- Maritime Security and Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships
- Cyber Security
- Mixed Mass Migration at Sea
- Ship Recycling
- On Board Garbage and Sewage Management
- Underwater Noise
- Biofouling and Underwater Hull Cleaning
He is Secretary to the ICS Environment Sub-Committee, and chair of the Industry Working Group on Ship Recycling. In nearly two decades of work with ICS John has represented the shipping industry extensively at IMO, ILO and the UN, demonstrating the industry’s value and successfully engaging with national and international partners to nurture positive change in maritime safety and security and the protection of the marine environment.
John is author of the ICS Garbage Management plan Guidelines, co-author of the joint industry Cyber Guidelines, Best Management Practices (BMP) Series and Global Guidelines on Piracy.