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Luca Sisto is the General Director of Confitarma.

He joined Confitarma in 1989 and became Head of the Transport Policy Department and Secretary of Confitarma’s Expert Committees for Oceanic Navigation and Short Sea Shipping in 2001. Since 2016 he has been Deputy General Director and became Director in 2018.

“CONFITARMA, the Italian Confederation of Shipowners, was founded in 1901 and is the main association representing the interests of the Italian shipping industry.

ICS in 2017, entrusting one of the vice presidencies to an important member of Confitarma, gave explicit recognition to the work of Confitarma and to the role of the Italian shipping which, despite the long and continuing economic crisis, has been able to cope the difficulties in the maritime markets with courage and determination, maintaining positions of great importance in the world ranking with a young and technologically advanced fleet.”

Luca Sisto, General Director of Confitarma

Promoter of the Seamaster, he has relaunched the Italian Institute of Navigation, of which he is Vice President. Luca Sisto is also a member of CISM – the Interministerial Committee for Maritime Transport and Port Security. He graduated in Political Science from La Sapienza University in Rome.