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Annual Review

International Chamber of Shipping 100th anniversary book (1921-2021)

June 2022 Free

In 2022, the International Chamber of Shipping celebrated its 100th anniversary.

This commemorative book charts the history of the organisation from 1921 to 2021.

ICS was originally conceived as the International Shipping Conference and can trace its roots to a meeting of 14 national shipowner associations in 1921, who wanted to influence and shape the new body of international shipping regulation which was being introduced globally.

Delegates at the first ICS meeting, 1921
Delegates at the first meeting of the International Chamber of Shipping at the Hotel Victoria, London, November 1921

This remains the core purpose of ICS today, and the book shows how this cooperation has shaped the course of shipping, through the second world war and cold war periods, through to the new global challenges of the early-21st century.

Deck boy on a Norwegian merchant ship in the convoy to Murmansk, 1943
Deck boy on a Norwegian merchant ship in the convoy to Murmansk, 1943, courtesy National Archives of Norway

Featuring forewords from IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim, ICS Secretary General Guy Platten, and the outgoing and incoming ICS Chairs Esben Poulsson and Emanuele Grimaldi.

The George Lyras in Sydney Harbour, 1980s
The George Lyras in Sydney Harbour, 1980s