This Guidance addresses legal, liability and insurance issues that could potentially arise for shipowners from or in connection with vaccinations of crew for coronavirus (COVID-19). It provides guidance on best employment practice to protect against such liabilities and information on insurance cover for such liabilities under the shipowner’s standard Protection and Indemnity (P&I) insurance.
December 2021
Guidelines | Free
A massive scaling up of finance for research and development is essential to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2050. This report outlines the urgent steps that will be required to completely transform shipping’s current dominant propulsion technology and fuels landscape, and provides a blueprint for governments and industry to target their investment in innovation.
November 2021
Reports, Positions and Papers | Free
This third edition was withdrawn in October 2022 and replaced by the fourth edition. Using detailed, step by step checklists, the Cyber Security Workbook for On Board Ship Use provides a ship’s Security Officer with the practical skills to identify cyber risks and to protect vulnerable onboard systems. It also gives guidance on how best to detect, respond and recover in the event of a cyber attack.
October 2021
This second edition was withdrawn in February 2022 and replaced by the third edition. COVID-19 Practical Guide, providing the most up-to-date and relevant information regarding vaccinations for seafarers and includes answers to important questions on availability and efficacy of vaccinations for ships' crew and shipping companies.
September 2021
Archive | Free
This first edition was withdrawn in April 2022 and replaced by the second edition. This document sets out principles for providing shore leave during the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
September 2021
Archive | Free
These guidelines have been produced to help shipping companies choose reputable manning agencies and
to ensure that seafarers are recruited in line with the requirements of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention
2006 (MLC, 2006).
September 2021
Guidelines | Free
Shipping companies should take a mental health emergency as seriously as a physical one. A seafarer experiencing a mental health crisis might feel no longer able to cope. This is particularly true in the current pandemic. This document has tools to help shipping companies, Masters and seafarers handle such a situation and to spot suicidal behaviour.
September 2021
Guidelines | Free
The Seafarer Workforce Report (previously known as the Manpower Report) is the industry standard resource for those seeking the market intelligence needed to develop crewing and training strategies fit for the future.
July 2021
Reports, Positions and Papers | £150
The BIMCO and ICS Seafarer Workforce Report 2021 provides insights into demographics and the changing supply and demand of the seafarer workforce.
July 2021
Multimedia | Free
Video showing the action that took place for the ICS #ShoutOutForSeafarers campaign on the Day of the Seafarer, 25th June 2021
July 2021
Multimedia | Free